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Before starting my capstone, I knew very little on what genetic engineering actually was. I assumed from what I did know about it (from biology class freshman year) that it was just a few scientists in a room combining genes to better the human race, but they weren’t making things better necessarily. Any scientist who is working with GE is taking a risk. It is such an unknown area of research that it becomes dangerous to experiment with. We don’t know what will happen when certain genes are spliced, and more importantly, we don’t know what will happen in the future if human genetic engineering does become a common thing. There could be problems with growth and reproduction that could potentially hurt the human race. However, as stated from many of the scientists who I researched in move 3, human genetic engineering will happen, the only question is when. So, if that is the case, then I believe we should have the most knowledge and understanding about genetic engineering before that happens. Is it scary that we can’t help the coming of human genetic engineering? Well if we are prepared, no I don’t think there is much to be afraid of, infact some individuals may actually be excited. And they do have reasons to be excited. Crystal Lombardo explains, “Genetic engineering could help to prevent a lot of problems that occur at birth. Fewer children would suffer from tragic diseases that eliminate the possibility of a long, fulfilling life. Instead of worrying about Fragile X or Cystic Fibrosis, parents would simply use genetic engineering to fix the codes” ("Human Genetic Engineering Pros And Cons."). Which would be especially appealing to a worried mother.


However there are many risks when dealing with genetic engineering as well. There is the possibility that new social class would be created that would classify you by whether or not you have genetically engineered genes. This will ruin the economy because most of the jobs would go to the ones best qualified (the ones who have altered genes). GE may also create “super diseases” or non beneficial mutations, because we are not quite sure how the long term effects will play out. The main problem, and the purpose of me writing this paper is it is viewed as unethical by people who religiously believe in God. They believe genetic engineering is not acceptable and will do anything in their power to stop it (at least the extremists will). They view the issue as no one has the right to “play God” and we should let things take their own path.


For my final move, I focused on cloning, which is a form of genetic engineering. Cloning is viewed the same way as genetic engineering is (as unethical) and a lot of people would be worried about whether or not the same human rights laws would apply to the clones. They worry about this because a big reason for cloning would be to grow new organs/ body parts for those who need them. With all my research to figure out whether or not genetic engineering would be ethical, I’ve concluded that it is. I think this because, for one, there are too many good possibilities that can come from it. Also, God created humans and everything he does is for a reason. He created all the people involved with the creation of genetic engineering, so I feel that it is part of his plan. He will decide what becomes of it.

The only question I have left from this entire process would be when will it happen? When will it become a common thing? I’m very curious as to what the world will be like when that day comes. I feel as though all my research and documentation is relevant and could be helpful to others that were looking for the same answers I was. I suppose now that i’m finished, that I will take my new knowledge of genetic engineering with me to college and hopefully it will benefit me in my classes.


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